trinity cunningham

trinity "Trin" Cunningham

Trinity is an 8 year old girl who loves all sports. She plays basketball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, lacrosse and tennis! She loves to compete and be a leader. She loves people and wants to be friends with everyone! She can't wait to start playing with the YB group!

  • When I grow up... I want to be an OBGYN

  • My favorite basketball player is... Jada Wynn

  • My favorite food... Steak

  • I often dream of... being a doctor

  • My favorite movie is... Gifted Hands

  • My favorite color is... Light blue

  • My dream super power is... Strength

  • I get really happy when... I ride bikes

  • The coolest place I have been to is... Kidzania in Dallas, TX

  • My pets are...we don't have any

  • I would like everyone to know that...I am mixed. My Dad is African/American and my mom is white.

  • I would also like to share that... I love to play a lot of different sports!

My favorite basketball player

Jada Wynn, CU Boulder

My favorite movie

my basketball artwork