Joaquin Keely


Joaquin loves nature and learning anything new - especially about things he’s interested in. He is a “go with the flow” kind of guy. He loves to play and have fun and occasionally he can get pretty wild! He likes making new friends. He loves being active and outside of basketball he loves playing drums, parkour, running, playing tag and other games. He is also really into legos and building his own creations.

  • When I grow up... I have no idea what I’m going to do! Probably something with helping nature and being athletic.

  • My favorite basketball player is... Cassiano Young

  • My favorite food... Gumbo and Mango

  • I often dream of... wacky stuff that will never happen

  • My favorite movie is... Bolt

  • My favorite colors are... fire colors - yellow, orange, red and blue

  • My dream super power is... to fly

  • I get really happy when... we get to go do something fun. . .like basketball

  • The coolest place I have been to is... Urban Air and Costa Rica

  • My pets are... our house is too small for our own pet so we’ve adopted from afar my grandparents pets, Wendy (dog) and Minnie (cat

My favorite basketball player

Cass Young

My Favorite Movie

my basketball artwork