shivaan vinnakota

shivaan "court king" vinnakota

Shivaan is a curious 7 year old who loves to embrace and enjoy all that Colorado has to offer. If he is not swimming or biking or skateboarding or playing basketball or up on the slopes skiing, he can be found huddled up in his room creating all sorts of artwork. Shivaan is also very passionate about cooking and has his own youtube channel where he showcases a variety of yummy kid-friendly dishes. He is looking forward to meeting new friends at YB and having fun learning together.

  • When I grow up... I want to be a great basketball player and an engineer

  • My favorite basketball player is... Michael Jordan

  • My favorite food... Pizza

  • I often dream of... me being a superhero

  • My favorite movie is... Godzilla vs Kong

  • My favorite color is... Green

  • My dream super power is... having magic

  • I get really happy when... my family is around

  • The coolest place I have been to is... Estes Park, CO

  • My favorite basketball is the one I play with a lot, its a Wilson

My favorite basketball player

Michael Jordan, Bulls (R)

My favorite movie

my basketball artwork