luca medina

luca "Ice" medina

Luca is a 9 year old boy who is interesting to learn Basketball. He always loves to learn a new things. He loves Legos, Star Wars and videos games. He likes swimming , Lacrosse and Hockey. He is so excited to be part of YB crew and meet new friends.

  • When I grow up... I want to be a navy

  • My favorite basketball player is... Michael Jordan

  • My favorite food... Tacos

  • I often dream of... become a millionaire

  • My favorite movie is... the revenge of the sith from starwars

  • My favorite color is... black

  • My dream super power is... Going into the past and future

  • I get really happy when... I eat cream

  • The coolest place I have been to is... Florida

  • My pets dog Lulu

  • I would like everyone to know that...I play Hockey

  • I would also like to share that...

My favorite basketball player

Michael Jordan, Bulls (R)

My favorite movie

my basketball artwork