derek brown

derek "d-money" brown

Derek is a happy big brother to his twin brother and sister. He loves the pump track, playing horse in the driveway with dad, squirt guns, and legos. He also likes to learn by watching and then doing and is pumped to be playing with Coach Young!

  • When I grow up... I want to be a doctor

  • My favorite basketball player is... Lebron James

  • My favorite food... Ice cream

  • I often dream of... Speedboats

  • My favorite movie is... Grizzly

  • My favorite color is... red

  • My dream super power is... To snap and make the room clean.

  • I get really happy when... Play with dad.

  • The coolest place I have been to is... Ninja nation

  • My pets are... Minnows

  • I would like everyone to know that... I like sharks and dinos

My favorite basketball player

Michael Jordan, Bulls (R)

My favorite movie

my basketball artwork