lila young

lila "The Shooter" young

Lila is a very, very curious girl. She loves to play sports, drawing, making friends, and having conversations with everyone. She asks a lot of questions, because she wants to know and learn a LOT of things. She has been working really hard with her brother and sister on her basketball skills and swimming skills. She likes to play with friends, to travel, to go the beach. Lila speaks two languages and loves to go camping. She is so excited to meet a bunch of new friends at Young Basketball.

  • When I grow up... I want to be a basketball player and swimmer

  • My favorite basketball player is... Lebron James

  • My favorite food... my mama's home made pizza and mac and cheese

  • I often dream of... being a basketball player

  • My favorite movie is... More than a game

  • My favorite color is... gold

  • My dream super power is... super-human strength

  • I get really happy when... when people give me what I want

  • The coolest place I have been to is... California and Brazil

  • My pets are... Ziggy (dog), Molly (lizard), and my clown fish (I also have some per roaches)

My favorite basketball player

Lebron James, Lakers

My favorite movie

My favorite movie

My favorite movie

my basketball artwork