isaac christopher

Isaac Christopher

Isaac is happy go lucky 10 year old boy who’s passionate about sports. He also loves legos, animals, thrill rides, and his friends. His favorite subject in school is reading. He’s excited about being on the team and playing basketball!

  • When I grow up... I want to be a zoo keeper

  • My favorite basketball player is... Michael Jordan

  • My favorite food... Mac and Cheese

  • I often dream of... Of having 5 dogs

  • My favorite movie is... Minions rise of Gru

  • My favorite color is... Green

  • My dream super power is...Teleporting

  • I get really happy when... I play sports

  • The coolest place I have been to is... A month long adventure all over Oregon!

  • My pets are...Oscar and Ruby (dogs), Smudge and Smokey (gerbils), Oreo (hamster)

  • I would like everyone to know that... I like sports and competition.

My favorite basketball player

Michael Jordan, Bulls (R)

My favorite movie

my basketball artwork